Faith Forum

faithforumFaith Forum is a program for congregations, adult religious education groups, campus ministries, ecumenical youth groups, and anyone interested in having conversations with Christians of various denominations to promote oneness in Jesus Christ.  

Faith Forum’s goal parallels ecumenism’s overarching goal: to foster greater unity within the Body of Christ, in response to Jesus Christ’s prayer, “that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me,” (Jn 17:21).  Faith Forum recognizes that because Christ is at the center of our lives and because together we form the Body of Christ, we must engage each other precisely as Christians. 

One important way to foster unity in Christ is through conversation (or dialogue):  to find commonalities and to explore the nature of our differences. Therefore, the Faith Forum program provides a framework for and the resources necessary so that everyone and anyone—laity, clergy, young adults and/or youth—can come together to discuss our most important beliefs and practices as Christians.   

Faith Forum encourages Christians of various denominations who live near each other to meet regularly; fellowship with each other; and deepen their faith by reading and discussing some of the NCC’s books and booklets.   

The NCC’s Faith & Order Commission developed three easy-to-use downloadable guides to help you begin your own Faith Forum Program: 

The Faith Forum Program for Local Ecumenical Dialogue is a 22-page booklet for clergy and lay leaders who are interested in beginning a Faith Forum dialogue.  This booklet explains the ideas behind dialogue and the Faith Forum Program. 

A Step-by-Step Guide for Leaders and Facilitators of Faith Forum Groups takes you through all the practical steps of starting a Faith Forum group in your area.  From initial planning, to topics, to meeting agendas, this guide spells it all out! 

The Faith Forum Handbook for Participants in Local Ecumenical Dialogue is an easy-to-read 5-page abbreviated version of The Faith Forum Program for Local Ecumenical Dialogue. It is designed to be an introduction to dialogue for an interested parishioner.  

For a list of other resources, click here.

In addition to these three guides, The National Council of Churches provides many downloadable resources—such as booklets and DVD’s—needed to get your Faith Forum group started, right here on the Faith Forum webpage.  Links are provided for obtaining resources that cannot be downloaded.  Please explore the website.  Faith Forum is here for YOU! 


Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, Associate General Secretary, Faith & Order and Interfaith Relations